Jordan Peterson announces New Zealand dates

Seeing as MrCyn blocked me instead of acknowledging the shit he accuses people of, I get to freely point out the hypocrisy of his words. Yet again he virtue signals and accuses people - without any specifics or sources mind you - of the same shit he's meant to care so much about.

So when he says:

There are people who say “I’m not racist/homophobic/sexist I treat everyone the same!” And in their head, they do. But treating people the same doesn’t take into account they have very different life experiences based on factors they cannot change.

He actually means when someone else does it it's bad but when he does it...

clears throat

MrCyn isn't racst.

You are using the exact same argument straight white men have used

MrCyn isn't a bigot.

you have drunk enough of the kool-aid to be a basic gay
The gays are VERY bad at supporting the rest of the spectrum

MrCyn doesn't spread hate.

Your ability to sit in the middle of so many decisions that have zero impact to you personally makes you such a fucking basic bitch

MrCyn evolves into his final form:

your gender, sexuality and race are part of why you have made this decision

Screw this hypocritical bullshit and stuff him blocking people so he doesn't have to acknowledge he does exactly what he bemoans so often and with such passion. Having shit constantly leveled at me from him makes this a personal vendetta so I'm not going to keep letting it slide.

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