Judge denies requests for pay from workers affected by shutdown

I think the shutdown should end and Trump is 100% responsible for it. It's awful that federal employees are being held hostage by Trump.

However, I watched the video in the article. Dude is complaining that he's not sure what he'll do when his "savings runs out". Dude is an air traffic controllers, and so is his wife.

That got me thinking...what does an ATC make? Turns out, median salary is about 125k. So, their family is pulling in about 250k/year.

That's a decent amount. I simply don't buy the argument that a couple making 250k is living paycheck to paycheck and that they will be "out of options" if they miss two paychecks. The only way that can happen is if they bought an insanely bigger house than they can afford and waste money on very expensive cars.

/r/politics Thread Link - cnn.com