I was just denied my birth control medication.

My appointment last week was my first one with him in two years. I've been seeing another doctor, so he doesn't even have my medical records since 2016 anyway (no record of my c. Diff diagnosis, endoscopy, esophagitis diagnosis, colonoscopy w/biopsies, nada), I just had to go back to him after an incident with my more recent doctor. God knows when my next appointment will be with him again since their office closes at 4 and my husband doesn't get out of work until 4. I don't even know if there's a gyno at their office or not and haven't been offered a referral or recommendation on where to go. In the UK I just got my smears done at my doctor's office by a nurse, no appointment needed. My last smear was a referral from a Minute Clinic, so I just went where I was told to go, but it was a month wait for an appointment. I feel like I'll be dead in a month with the agony I know I'm about to go through, ugh.

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