I just don’t get how they don’t see it

hey, asshole.

neutral forgives ultra racists.

neutral asks black people to meet in the middle with people that want 'racial purity.' what is the middle? only killing half of the black people?

neutral asks all latinos to be cool with the group that wants them all to 'go back where they come from' what is the middle ground, deport half regardless of citizenship status?

neutral asks for all other religions to meet in the middle with the vast majority of the country which is hardcore christianity. What is the middle, everyone be moderate christians?

neutral asks all flavor of the lgbt to meet with the homophobes. what is the middle? go back in the closet?

your neutral stance is siding with the extremists on the right that have fought to remove rights from minorities of all flavors for generations. the far left tries to get the same rights for everyone. the far right sees that as stealing from white chritstians, especially the males.

your neutrality sides with the right your fucking moron.

there is no middle ground when one side seeks to remove the rights of or eliminate the other.

talk about one dimensional.

"i don't care how much the want to oppress you, find a way to agree with them."

what was the other guy saying?

eat shit and fuck off!

/r/SelfAwarewolves Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it