Just got told to give up my seat for a child

I get it a lot as I work for the underground and although I don’t wear an identifiable uniform, people sometimes clock my name badge and expect me to give up my seat as I’m a staff member even though I’m not at work, I’m travelling to work just like them.

I’m on light duties at the moment due to back problems, so I’ve taken to wearing a “please give me a seat” badge because i end up getting severe back pain and spasms if I try and stand for my entire commute so I actually do need a seat, and this has stopped most people asking me.

But the other day there was a free seat next to me, and someone came up to me and said can I move to the other end of the carriage (where there 1 other free seat) so her and her child could sit down together.

I pointed out the please give me a seat badge and said I had to sit here so I had use of the pole to help myself up when it came to my stop. She said, and I quote, “so you expect me just to leave my child on their own?

/r/london Thread