I just laughed along and said nothing.

Well... Fuck it, he's recently been hired somewhere else so...

A little back story... Over the years I've grown to know my father as the kind of man who doesn't take crap from anybody. Being a man of shorter stature does that to a man and can make for a pretty short tempered person. (No pun intended) Now, this is a great thing in the world of men among men, but in the corporate world it seems that most high up white collar positions are held by a lot of condescending egotistical pretentious assholes. You know, the kind who cower behind their castles of paperwork and scapegoats which all but renders them kind of untouchable. I digress, he's a stationary engineer, has been for over 35 years now and to this day is probably the only man who could run a building blind folded and left handed with a joint in his mouth. (No he doesn't smoke while he's at work, or at all anymore for that matter, so there. Just making that clear)

As I was growing up my dad had a pretty nasty drinking problem which definitely caused way more bad situations in his life then he'd care to live again. This is probably the main reason he quit drinking all those years ago and to my knowledge hasn't looked back. Fast forward to about 2 months ago when my dad landed his dream job... He was to be the assistant director of facilities at a prestigious hotel in my city, needless to say he was ecstatic. Around a month in everything was going good, the higher ups were pumping him full of sunshine and rainbows and unicorn farts until the night came when he was to go out with them after work to Top Golf. Number one, my pops loathes golf about as much as much as most of us loathe the pretentious asshats who play it. Number two (and this is a big one) he doesn't drink. Well, I guess his fellow exec's didn't take to kindly to a sober one in their ranks and that's where it all snowballed down shit mountain from there. I guess I should also mention that there was a hot young piece of fresh out of college ass who was basically applying for the position my padre was just hired for. I guess the final nail in the coffin came when they all but forced my dad to come out to one of their homes one night for some drunken party they have fairly often. Long story short, my dad showed up, wasn't having any of their bullshit, and promptly left.

The following week at work he was mysteriously written his final warning, with the threat of possible termination if his conduct didn't improve. And I guess there was some "complaints from the staff that he was mean to them." I say bullshit. They just wanted that young piece of ass to take the job so they could sit behind their desks and play pocket pool. Well I'm sure you all can imagine this didn't sit too well with my old man and he did what any other self-respecting man of blue collar demeanor and a Naval background would do, he told them to take that write up and shove it up their ass. According to him, he also slammed his iphone and badge on the bosses desk and sent his keys on a line drive right into the crotch of that HDIC. Since we had been talking the passed couple weeks about what had been happening, he already had his stuff all boxed up ready for the inevitable... As he was being escorted out, I guess the security guard told him he wasn't the first to quit because of obvious reasons and I'm sure he won't be the last.

It would probably be beneficial to context that none of these former colleagues acted this way when he was first hired on, and that my dad was adored by many of the staff for all he had done while there. From what he told me, he was receiving nothing but praise for all the accomplishments he contributed while working there... It just pisses me off to no end that they fooled him into thinking he was accepting an executive job, when in reality they were just looking for another lackey to pawn off all the work orders they didn't want to handle.

I know I've left off a bit, but I had no intention of writing even this much... Everything is good now and he can all but put that disaster behind him.

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