Kam Chancellor done for year

Let’s assume you are right. I was a dick and changed my comment to come off nice.

I edited my post at 25 downvotes, so AT LEAST 60% of the downvotes were a symptom of ‘Group Think,’ rather than honest opinion. (Unless you feel my current comment comes off as a dick) ——

Unrelated to the point, my edit It was “shit, I didn’t make my point clear, I’ll edit it so people comprehend it.”

Nothing changed regarding the point I’m making.

View my comment history, I never have highly downvoted comments and don’t act like a dick intentionally.

Nothing changed this time - I was simply misinterpreted, which was clear by the comments accusing me of thinking the original commenter was dissing the Eagles. That couldn’t have been further from the truth (The guy never said anything about the Eagles SOS in the first place).

/r/nfl Thread Parent Link - twitter.com