Karen didn't like him stenciling his own wall for BLM

These two white people suck

But no offense in the video, he did not make it clear it was his wall. They were pretty adamant they knew the people who owned that wall.

And again, no offense, that isn't why black lives matter. Black lives matter because of that dog walker in the park actually calling the cops and mentioning that an African American male was threatening her when he was not.

These are just two people being concerned about private property, possibly being wrong about the owner. But this video does nothing to convince, it just jumps on the bandwagon of hysteria and emotion.

don't get me wrong, there are atrocities taking place probably right now which deserve the hysteria and emotion.

just be ready for when the hysteria and emotion dies down, for videos like this to leave us scratching our heads

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link - v.redd.it