Keeping it alive

Occupy Wall Street never succeeded. They accomplished some things, for sure.. but the only thing on the original list was to occupy wall street.. which they never did.

The original OWS was suggested by the magazine Adbusters, which is one of the few magazines I browse. They suggested that "world revolution day" be used to "occupy" wall street.

They merely suggested that everyone show up on wall street that day and "bring a tent".. there was literally no other goal than that.

I knew about the event from the magazine, but nobody else I knew in NYC had heard anything about it.

I showed up that day early in the morning and they had the whole street blocked off already.. no car traffic, no foot traffic and barricades were set up along the sidewalk. If you stopped walking and were holding up people on the sidewalks, the police were there to get you to move along.

The whole thing was shut down before it started.

From there the group moved to a park, and then the whole thing pretty much descended into mob rule and splinter groups with the only joining glue being hatred of the banks.

Anyway, sure these people did some things, but the only thing on the original list was to occupy wall street, and it never happened.

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