Kentucky clerk who refused same-sex marriage licenses can be sued

Hey everyone, remember that stubborn, ignorant lady a massive portion of the general public lambasted FOUR years ago? The one who refused to issue a gay marriage license because of a WIDELY SHARED misconception that stemmed from a misguided interpretation of the Bible?

Well, it turns out that our legal system that treats people like objects instead of living beings, says we can take all of her money and ruin any semblance of financial and therefore any physical and emotional security she might have for the rest of her life.

We feel justified in doing this because we have a strongly held belief that, since she treated that gay couple inhumanely (with her strongly held belief) we're "allowed" to treat her inhumanely.

It's just what we morally and perfectly ethical mob feel we have the right to do. After all, none of us have ever done anything wrong or unethical. Right?

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