Kids at my school are trying to boost their resume with extracurricular activities involving COVID19. [Serious]

Some of the ways my classmates are helping out just doesn't constitute as social distancing. I.e. babysitting DIFFERENT families throughout the week lol way to spread the germs y'all. None of the doctors at the hospital I'm at have accepted this offer since most of them have nannies/babysitters and don't want to get their kids sick from other kids or spread the germs.

Unfortunately, I'm an M3 so a lot of people are gunning hard right now including trying to search out for COVID 19 research projects because and I quote "it got a case report published in NEJM quickly." My school isn't research oriented so there aren't a lot of opportunities (if any) available but can't imagine what the competition is like for these projects at other schools. Still have classmates emailing the deans to let us return to rotations even though we have very limited PPE left.

/r/medicalschool Thread