Killerfish vs. LDLC Blue | BO3 | 22.05.15 | 20:30 CEST

Player Stats

Player Name Primary Team Rating (?) Total K/D K/D Ratio Kills per round
oskarish KILLERFISH 1.11 744/650 1.14 0.79
tahsiN KILLERFISH 1.02 1168/1144 1.02 0.72
XpG LDLC Blue 1.02 199/196 1.02 0.71
PetitSkel LDLC Blue 0.99 186/187 0.99 0.67
BouLy LDLC Blue 0.98 189/190 0.99 0.72
TONI KILLERFISH 0.95 645/675 0.96 0.67
r0bs3n KILLERFISH 0.92 1881/2076 0.91 0.63
am0 KILLERFISH 0.89 478/550 0.87 0.60
HEdm LDLC Blue 0.88 152/177 0.86 0.61
madc LDLC Blue 0.86 209/250 0.84 0.63

Team Stats

Team Name Maps Played Wins / Draws / Losses Recent matches
LDLC 286 193 / 3 / 90 16-5, 16-11, 17-19, 14-16
KILLERFISH 34 15 / 0 / 19 16-14, 9-16, 12-16
KILLERFISH 11 5 / 0 / 6 8-16, 6-16, 16-8, 16-9


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