Kio: Do not make +cl_show_equipment available to use in leagues/tournaments pls. I can give many reasons why it shouldn't be available if needed

Firstly: Lots of people are talking about it being unrealistic, which is why I addressed those comments.

Secondly, Immersion sounds pretty similar to your idea of realism.

I find it somewhat odd that you can pick and choose which elements break your immersion, and which don't.

Having someone screaming in a foreign language to me down the microphone, having enemies teleport with lag, and essentially all of the points I mentioned before like fast strafe shooting, jump strafing etc. all break the feeling of being "in the game", but just because they are already in, there's nothing we can realistically do about them.

That being said, if you dislike the breaking of "immersion" you could always just not enable the new command.

Regarding the entertainment value. Whilst I appreciate your need for 'schadenfreude', or taking pleasure in others misery so to say, I don't really think there is much entertainment in watching poor counter-strike.

Things you describe like team-flashes, being surprised by your ally because you have momentarily forgotten to look at the radar or communicated your positions in the heat of a duel etc. are all things that reduce the quality of the viewer experience.

If we reduce the number of times allies sabotage their own rounds, we will increase the number of "good spectator rounds", or rounds which are not decided by mistakes that are unable to be avoided by practice.

Players can improve things like their accuracy, their movement, their positioning etc. all through solo and team practice alike, but it's very difficult/impossible for some people (like the pros) to improve their ability to keep track of all of that, on top of communicating their exact whereabouts of their allies at all time.

To compare it to a real spectator sport, perhaps something like boxing: When two heavy weights are fighting, they want to see the match decided by things like athleticism, strength, skill or tactics.

The audience doesn't want to watch one boxer win because he has slipped in the fourth round, twisted his ankle, and is unable to fight at his appropriate level. Similarly, they don't want to see the referee be involved in the outcome of the match.

When people watch competitive CS:GO, I'm sure they'd rather see Astralis v Fnatic game point be decided by a noscope awp shot, a triple spray transfer, or a masterful rotate, rather than JW being surprised by Flusha running in front of his scope or a mis-communication caused by the map (i.e he thinks player is on B site nuke Decon when he is on A site nuke squeaky, they don't call it because it's on the map, but on the map its nigh-impossible to tell the difference).

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