I knew Roadhug's hook was ridiculous, but this?!

  1. And a better team can kill the hooked person before the team can save them.

  2. Tried it. Doesn't work, plenty of kills.

  3. Mei can freeze and that's about it. He is literally stated to be able to make the first move before the enemy can react via the hook.

  4. And you're the one insulting me. If you can't get instant kills using Roadhog's combo, I'll put it in the nicest possible way: play a different character. Please.

  5. Explain why the 1-foot wide meathook can clip someone's foot and then be wrapped right around their body.

  6. Mercy, zenyatta heals. He's got plenty of health, he'll be fine. Even if he needs to pop his E, he gets 20% ult charge, too.

  7. The old 'hehe mayb just dun get hookd' doesn't work. Any good Roadhog can hook someone.

  8. I'd say that plenty of people hate Roadhog. I'd also say that plenty of people hate people like you who constantly come to his defense. I'm sure you love it when you get hook combo'd. No character should have a non-ultimate ability that grants them the ability to instakill. Deadeye can insta, so can Charge. Difference is that both of those abilities require the users to put themselves in danger- Reinhardt charging in is gonna hurt if his wonky hitbox grabs someone. McCree slows to a walk as he ults. Roadhog's hook doesn't do that- it's a tiny-risk high-reward ability.

I mean, I'd just suggest a speed nerf. If you listen, Roadhog literally newds to physically exert himself just to walk. Slow his movement a little, make him unable to jump/make it gain less height.

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