Koch Industries stays in Russia, backs groups opposing U.S. sanctions

Jesus fucking Christ, I am so exhausted with the berating bullshit from Redditors.

We have no laws banning DPRK media in the US, please cite any legislation that says otherwise. You absolutely can go online and find videos all over the web showing their state run propaganda. Yet RT has a special clause where theyve been banned, because its politically relevant to the current situation. This inherently shows that the first amendment isnt being applied universally, and instead is being "weaponized" (to use a loaded term for lack of better options) in a specific way to achieve a specific goal.

Now, reply with a civil comment and I will continue the dialogue, but keep up the rude insults and Im going to just block you. This is exactly what Im talking about, Americans need to learn how to have a conversation with someone they disagree with without losing all emotional control. This is childish.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - cbsnews.com