Las Vegas Fanfest 2016 Feedback Thread

Good things! * I came on Day Zero, and while there were lots of people there lined up already, the line went really quickly so there was essentially no wait. * The meet-up wall (?) that everyone could sign was really cool - it was neat to see how many people from my own server had come * The concerts both nights were fantastic, Soken's definitely got a great personality for the stage! * Nakagawa's battle design panel was really great - it was really cool to see how they come up with the fights for us. * I personally really liked the Triple Triad cards... They made pretty good icebreakers for me (during the hour or two I was out of cosplay, anyway) * I liked our venue actually, being on the strip was cool especially as it was my first time in Vegas, and I did actually find decent food that didn't hurt my wallet too badly when we walked around.

and unfortunately, the bad. * I'm going to be beating a dead horse here, but. Gods, the Merch line was awful. I waited four hours with my friends, got told the cut off line was behind us and then we got cut off about 3 times before the line just disappeared essentially into a great confusing mess on day 1 before we were just like, fuck it. I honestly would've appreciated if they had let us order the lore book there and left an address for them to ship it to after they sold out - because I missed it at FanFest's day 2 and when it went up on the online shop. * Following the above, I agree with those who thought they should've just had us order ahead of time and then come to pick up our things at the merch line. Although, I'd recommend bringing a bit of excess inventory because I did almost buy the Odin statue after seeing it on display... but then it sold out a few minutes before I hit the register * I really enjoyed being able to meet the dev team, I just wish there was more like.. blatant opportunities to than on Day 2 after the lore panel. I wasn't about to get in the gigantic line to have a picture with Koji when I'm starving already. (Sorry Koji!) * I feel bad for it, but I really did wish there was a shirt for proto-ultima. I've never managed to be able to make it to an event where I can get one of those "I beat _______" shirts because of time/expense restraints, and was low key hoping I could get one at Fanfest. * Okay, admittedly I wasn't staring the screen down between panels, but I feel like the jumbo cactpot tickets and the second stage events I just found out about could've definitely been shown on the monitors on the main hall instead of the 3.4/stormblood trailer over and over... I would've looked at them more.

Misc: * Getting to meet people from my server was really cool! They were all people I wouldn't have talked to ig otherwise, I feel, and they were all really nice in person.
* I had a lot of fun overall, but I still didn't get to do everything I wanted due to some disorganization. * I liked proto ultima despite being E-Z mode for a 24 man, but I wouldn't have minded honestly if the difficulty had been bumped up a bit.

/r/ffxiv Thread