Late mortgage payment

I use bill pay for my business. I’ve had more issues with that than anything else. And let me assure you, vendors don’t care if your bank payment got lost anymore than if your personal check got lost in the mail.

My current mortgage company does not have a direct epay option. I had to wire the funds to get it there by Monday. Do you all routinely pay for wire transfers for your mortgage payment?

My mortgage was sold to an archaic company. My city water bills do not have an electronic option. Neither does my kids’ doctor. All those were paid that same day and were not received. I’ll grant you the road toll payment that was made that same day had an electronic option but I made a choice to provide payment by mail because they gave me an envelope to do so.

Not everyone lives in a major city. Some of us live in small towns where our bills must be paid by mail.

Mistakes happen. Notice I’m not throwing a fit at the postal service. I’m not complaining about mail service. I’m trying to get insight on how to fix this now that it’s happened. It’s sucks, but such is life.

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