The Latest: US agents shoot tear gas at migrants

Saying "you have to wait to apply" isn't denying them the right to claim asylum... And it certainly doesn't give them the right to try and jump and border and attack CBP agents.

And social security is fucking fine as it is... All the "social security will be bankrupt in 30 years" is just media fear mongering to generate clicks and make money, it isn't going to be bankrupt, that's absurd. It will have less money absolutely, but all that means is that in 30 years instead of getting $XXXX adjusted for inflation per months you will instead get $XXXX - $150.

This is all on top of the fact that, assuming you got it your ways and tens of millions of poor, uneducated, unskilled people flooded into this country... There would be practically no tax revenue from them anyways. Low-skill labor is drying up, I am sure you have heard about automation... In a few decades low-skill work literally won't exist. So by inviting tens of millions of people who would rely on low-skill work to support themselves actually means inviting tens of millions more mouths to feed on the inevitable basic assistance all poor, uneducated, unskilled people will rely on in the future. And in the interim, they would make so little money that they would hardly contribute anything in taxes, just like citizens who make minimum wage do now.

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