Leaked Memo shows Media Matters, Share Blue plan to Silence All Opposition

Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all a million times. And nice grammer nazi work there, it shows that you are reaching (unsuccessfully) for arguments.

I'll keep this simple.

Read this, its by Carroll Quigley, Bill Clintons mentor. Its about how corrupt capitalism is a good thing, apparently.

And read this, its by Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clintons mentor. Its about how to be an underhanded, dishonest cunt because you're convinced that everyone else is.

Put the two together and you get... an $800 billion per year trade deficit and a justice system that covers up systemic financial fraud (don't worry printing trillions will fix the problem, haha).

And while I'm at it read this its by Friedrich Hayek, it heavily influenced Ronald Reagan. Its about how central planning leads to totalitarianism. Obviously Reagan didn't see the military industrial complex as a form of central planning. National security is a blindspot that most people have after all.

And seeing that you obviously don't understand what the term narcissism means I recommend this by Alice Miller on the subject, and also this by Dr. Craig Malkin, which is one of the more modern books on the subject.

Once you've spent some time actually understanding the world you live in, instead of reflexively regurgitating propaganda like spoilt brat, maybe you could add some thoughts of your own regarding whats really happening in the US at the moment (hmm, what will happen when oil transactions don't use the US dollar anymore?). I'm guessing that'll be too much like hard work for you though. You're probably better off bleating along with the heard like the useful idiot you are.

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