I learned that my fiancé only proposed to me because he felt obligated to.

Sweetie why did you have a child with this man? He doesn’t seem to care about you or want to spend time with you like at all? And do you really want to be trapped in a loveless marriage for the rest of your life?

He’s clearly in love with his former neighbor/best friend, and trust me babe that’s who he’s gonna end up with if she feels even a little bit the same way about him. Whether it happens now or in ten years when your lives are even more involved and complicated, if she’s the one who got away, that childhood love/obsession is never gonna go away. I’d go to therapy, get a job to better support your daughter on your own, and figure out how to love and respect yourself first.

You’re so young and have a lot of growing up to do for both you and your daughter.

/r/relationship_advice Thread