Lebron only grows out his beard to cover his bald spot and it pisses me off

Shitposters on r/nba may be the smartest people of all time.

Think about it. Every post is a newfangled perspective on a old topic. Their KCP (Karma/Comments per Post) rating and at and all time high. The TS% of shitposters In r/nba is nearing 100% and the average ASS (Aspiration to Shit Stuff) Ratio is 4:1. Furthermore the simple fact if you say the word “LeBron” you are guaranteed a plethora of silver and gold. It’s foolproof they have won the simple game of cat and mouse and we are the mouse. They are on such a higher IQ plane it is comparable to ants and humans, they really are playing 64-D underwater Backgammon. Every posts causes an uproar and for every misconstrued comment the shitposters are besides themselves, jacking it as we speak

/r/nba Thread