McConnell blocks resolution calling for Mueller report to be released publicly

so he'll just let the attorney general completely misrepresent his two year investigation because he just "doesn't make public announcements?" he's a big boy, i think he can stand up to barr if he was completely lying about its contents. trump himself is supporting it's release, im pretty sure that says more than the fact that a chode like McConnell is choosing to block it. i'm not at all embarrassing myself, your retarded ass is still in conspiracy theory mode even though the conspiracy has been put to rest. the conspiracy had already been put to rest by trump escalating tensions with russia by being hawkish towards their top allies (iran, syria, venezuela, north korea) and by arming Ukrainian rebels against russia, but even if you chose to be completely unread about current events like you so clearly are, there is no more conspiracy left to theorized about. time to come back to the real world.

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