Lena Dunham issues statement defending "Girls" writer accused of raping an underage actress

Bitch please. I'm a white female feminist. I grew up in the care system. I'm self educated as I moved homes a lot due to abuse and mental health issues. I've lived my whole fucking life in poor, black, muslim and asian neighbourhoods. Just because I'm fucking white and educated enough to know what feminism is, doesn't mean I'm a privileged bigot. The assumption that all white women who call themselves feminists must be fucking rich virtue signalling bigots with no friends outside of their race and blinders on to the world around them, is stupid.

Having angry fucking 'feminists' getting all up in my face trying to knock me down a peg because they've stereotyped me from the moment they laid eyes on me, is shameful. The assumption too that the only white women who are feminists are the privileged ones and you shame them for this before you can respect them as people, is also fucking shameful.

I'm white, I'm also a second generation immigrant and part fucking jew and part slav in pretty equal proportions.

But you're so white and claim to be a feminist!

you're all saying

You must have shame for slavery as it's your fault and your rich parents who must love you and buy you cars make you a silly white girl who doesn't get what women of other races go through and you can't have any friends outside of your white race as that's not how my stereotype works! Also you're rich and definitely don't live with three muslim girls and a black guy in a tiny drafty flat above a pub in a predominantly immigrant area.

Do you get why 'white feminism' pisses me off? I don't want to have to prove myself to virtue signalling 'feminists' shaming me out for the perceived crimes of my ancestors because of the colour of my skin.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - m.huffingtonpost.co.uk