I like perspectives

Well now that I’ve had additional time to think let clarify what I meant by often in his area…

I’m within a 10 mile radius of him once a week. However I drive to school 3 days out of the week which is an hour for me from my home… and then where he’s at is only 30 minutes from school….

And I’ve never been good in a relationship as in I have never had a a functional one. Possibly could be related to some of my issues, I’ve got daddy issues.. trust issues.. intimacy issues, which is why I approached him with the we are both in a rigorous program (academically) so why don’t we get together and bang it out in a lax and judgement free environment. I stay stressed out with school and constantly horny and over the one night stands so would like a casual fuck but once I started creeping he seems like someone I would actually really vibe with.

/r/dating Thread Parent