Liking bitter vegetables too. (For context, this is a continuation, not a start. I have already made difficult changes. If you are only starting, that is fine too! I am not just humble-bragging, because my posts definitely looked like baby steps, a few years ago)!

I do love broccoli, when someone else cooks it for me, and it is not bitter, but that is because I am thankful that they know how to steam it! Would I steam broccoli? Yes, of course, when I know how! Working on it! Do I eat broccoli when I did a bad job on it, for now? I got tired of it. Broccoli isn’t bitter if you do a good job. As for kale, I liked it, but that didn’t last! I liked it only because it was seasonal, and less bitter! So yes, I still eat them, but not as a consistent habit! And yes, cheese and dressing are great, for small salads! Don’t tell me you’ve never, covered a big salad with dressing, all of it, and convinced yourself that more salad, was a smarter choice even with more dressing XD?! Admit it, we all have!

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