How do you come to terms with knowing you’ll never have the family you want?

Sounds like you're the black sheep in the family (I'm not a therapist, but I'm in therapy and did a lot of research about my family and my own trauma). It might help you to understand that unhealthy/dysfunctional families put people into roles and play drama over and over again.

It also sounds like the family dynamics of ignoring, lacking emotional intimacy started from your grandmother, so this is probably generational.

I feel you- I am also still figuring out how to live in a world that heavily values family and I know how hard it is to find chosen family (I'm still looking).

Just know that the way that they are is not a reflection of who you are. I.e. if they're ignoring, invalidating, and dismissing you, that has nothing to do with you as a person who deserves love, care, and connection.

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread