Gave up weed, nicotine and alcohol, made it to 90 days!

Intermittent fasting and avoiding Any processed food, fast food, and drinks with sugar. There’s sugar in everything, btw. Even fast food meat. When you stop processed food, you’ll reduce a lot of hidden sugar, and you’ll feel it too!!

I’m impressed btw, as a nicotine consumer.

If it were me and I’d gone as far as you have, consider eliminating one thing you know is bad for you, in 2 week increments. Soda would be one of the first things if you consume it. Then move on to fast food or junk food. If you have a craving for a “burger and fries”, just make it at home. It won’t be as bad for you regardless.

I went Gluten free before, and lost a lot of weight in months. So much so that I was jokingly accused of using drugs. What I learned from that process is that consuming water has unimaginable effects if you’re not already. To the tune of half of your body weight in ounces everyday. When I was in this diet, with a partner, that was one of the first things we did and I lost appr 15 lbs in a couple weeks, and my sleep improved in ways I never could’ve imagined.

Im not suggesting one go the Full Boat on that diet, but even today I still use it as a guide. Less carbs and less dairy, more whole foods and protein. I went from about 215 down to 165 in about 6-7 months, with no lifestyle changes beyond diet.

You can do this !!!

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread