Finally figured out why everyone swears by exercise for mental health, I feel so silly now. But is it right?

Thank you! I’m definitely very out of shape, I’m underweight by a lot (not by choice, I’m actively working on it but every time I increase eating, my metabolism increases and I lose even more). Walking is the main thing I can do right now but I can also do yoga. I’m just never sure if I’m doing it right. I have a connective tissue disorder so my joints subluxate all the time and I’m never sure if I’m making it worse or putting strain on the wrong parts of my body if I do a yoga pose wrong.

It’s so hard to stay away from refined sugar in the USA! I don’t even like the main sources of it like chocolate, soda, etc, but it’s in everything else too, like bread, sauces, or basically anything pre-packaged.

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