List of things that make me depressed (It adds up and makes me wanna kill myself)

Years ago i've had the same thoughts that you're having now brother and let me tell you this;

There is no shame being virgin, sooner or later you will loose it. But the thing with it is that you're seeking for strong emotions such as; Fall in love with someone or have sex.

Before you start thinking about loving someone or having a girlfriend, you must love yourself. I learned it the hard way... Someone who doesnt love himself CAN NOT love someone else because you gonna fuck up or get mentally and emotionally destroyed.

I know what is like to feel social anxiety, i've had feel it all my life but you must turn those negative feelings into useful ones, like mud into a vase.

Find those things that makes you happy, passionate about, make a plan to get those goals done and if plan A fails? you better have a plan B,C,D or the quantity you need to achieve it, but never fucking give up... You must keep on and keep on and keep on... And if it hurts? rage with a big smile in your face looking forward because no one will care if you succeed or fail, only you my friend. The only person that actually you must care about is yourself, you're on your own, you always did. So get your shit together and start living, it is hard but it worth it

better to be surprised than disappointed.
You have one life, live it the best as you can
Learn from your mistakes... In life, you win or you learn.

I think i've said enough to you understand the basics, the rest is on you buddy.
And remember, the only and biggest enemy you will ever have is yourself and you're in a pretty screwed world but life once you start living it is fucking beautiful.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread