(LONG RANT) On trying to be a Mexican screenwriter in the USA, the state of film in the world and violence.

Can I be honest? Can I be brutally honest? Almost everything you said is based on a very egotistical view of the world, a self pitying session that wants to blame the world for your problems. No one has taken the sky away from you, you have hardly even tried to do anything and you're already complaining.

Tell you what: I was born in South America (Hispanic father, American mother). You won't find a more open society than the United States. Anywhere. My brother-in-law is from Mexico and has done incredibly well for himself in the United States.

I've lived in a number of Latin American countries, traveled the world, and have visited Mexico many times. To try to even compare the United States to Mexico is idiotic. Impossible. Laughable.

You come up with the same old tired lines like 'male and white' being the keys to the kingdom. What is this, 1920? Ya, you could say that is true of Mexico. Look at your television, look at your wealth distribution, look at the incredible racism of your own society.

How is Donald Trump a tyrant? This is not a debate about the merits of Trump--or anyone else--but to actually use that word simply exposes you have no idea about its definition.

I'm fairly certain that you are actually Mexican American. By that I mean that I'm certain that you are actually an American by citizenship. That's why you won't have any concerns about visas. You lived on the border, studied in the United States for 3 years. But you still call yourself Mexican first and treat the United States as foreign. Whatever.

I honestly don't care what you decide, because I think you have a questionable character--basically weak willed and given to blaming 'society' for all your troubles. And ya, but all means, treat the United States as a horribly racist society and go pursue your visionary utopia in, hell, I don't know, Moldova.

I mention this because a lot of the 'white boys' on this forum will give the ridiculous and racist generalizations you make about America a pass. And that's a problem, since they actually just don't go ahead and check your bullshit.

/r/Screenwriting Thread