Looking back, what was the best thing to come out of a break up?

Spending time alone, becoming my own person. I started with crying, staying in bed. After a few days of letting my tears flow, I started to wake up early and cook myself some breakfast and lunch. Sometimes I would go back to bed. Then I started to cook lunch and after lunch I would go to work or go to the beach, alone. I bought a car, started doing things by myself and started to go to school. Then I started to hang out with friends on the weekends, started going on the boat with them again. Then I started going out with my mom and catching up. He was still in my mind but I wasn’t mad or angry. I would get angry once in a while if he did something that would make me a bit mad but then I’d let go and just kept living my life. I went out on a date. Realized I wasn’t ready because he was still the only man I wanted yet I was fine without him. I was happy alone.

Realized that my life revolves around whoever I’m with. Learned that I don’t want that to happen ever again. Going to put my hobbies and myself first. I guess because he always wanted space, so I guess I learned that from now on my plans come first, and then them. Only because I always put other people first, I need to learn to put myself first.

/r/AskWomen Thread