Looks like I have to take this into my own hands

I cringe so hard when bots post clips like they’re good not realizing they’re going against people just as bad as them lmao. SBMM really got y’all heads fucked up lol. I get it you’re enjoying the game but some of y’all really have too big of egos thinking you’re actually good when in reality your opponents are struggling just as much, if not worse than you are lmao. Moment blocky as shit, tracking was extremely dogshit, you got a lucky arc stick and a lucky hip fire shot you were clueless the whole time. Take it in your own hands ? You let Jesus take the controller your Brain wasn’t nowhere involved in what you did lmfao. Let’s just be honest you went blank and didn’t know shit you were doing

/r/apexlegends Thread Link - v.redd.it