loosing weight...the way...sky is the limit

So story time, I was a 6 foot, 550lb guy. I was down in the dumps big time, all at the age of 18. I was made fun of, ridiculed, harassed you name it. The biggest scare for me, when I was almost 19 years old when the doctor I went to told me there was so much pressure on my feet, a few more months of this I would not be able to walk at all, I would be wheelchair bound since my feet and legs just could not take the weight anymore. Here is one of the pictures when I was nearly at my biggest. Quite embarrassing, but you can see the redness and swelling in my feet. http://imgur.com/jCyGZJW [1] Another picture as well, up-close of my face(be warned, its scary): http://imgur.com/Dj4Jh4x [2] Anyways, before all of this though. I met my now wife, when I was 18 and at my biggest online gaming. I was scared, terrified to show her what I looked like at first. As soon as she even started to talk to me on Skype. I started starving myself, all kinds of things to try and get the weight off since I knew "that day" was coming where I couldn't hide any longer. About 5 months of us chatting on Skype, she hit me with talk about BeachBody. Let me tell you, shes 5 foot, 100 lbs, looks absolutely gorgeous to me at the time. Anyways, she bought herself Insanity, and I would listen in on her working out over Skype. I tell you, I felt like the biggest(literally) pile of shit out there. I had to do something, she was getting these amazing results. On top of everything, I already thought she could of done 100x better than me any day. I kept telling myself, I had to do something, I was going to lose someone that finally showed they cared about me. That thought right there, haunted me for months to come. I didn't want to be alone again, I finally felt loved and cared for, over the internet of all places. So, shortly after that thought, I looked into getting my own program. I got P90 - quit it the next day. I about died, haha. She heard me try, and heard my rage-fail. Weeks went by, before I touched it again. One thing she didn't do, is push me to do it. Surprisingly, its like she knew I would get off my lazy ass and get to it, eventually. I think with all the guilt of her constantly working out and me falling more and more in-love with her, finally did it for me. That point on, no matter what I kept going. Pounds started flying off, 550 - 540 - 520 - 500 - 450, it just dwindled down from age 19 to 21. Now, I am a new man. Here I am, today. http://imgur.com/EMTJrcl [3] As you can see, I have tons of extra skin on me sadly. But hey, I did it. I got pecs, I got bi's, I got calves. I look back, and I can't believe I am here. On top of that, my wife told me to "stop being a shy little bitch" and tell people about it. So yeah, here I am. Here is a picture of the both of us together nearly 8 months ago on our wedding day in Lima, Peru. http://www.chrisaivey.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/1385231_10153456082745451_956857949_n.jpg [4] (please dont break my website >_<, I don't think this will get much attention so I did not imgur it!) And yes, still going through the paperwork to get the woman who gave me a life to the states! Anyways, I am down to 250 lbs, no longer bigger than my refrigerator, tons of extra skin on my body. I am proud of how far I came. And this happened today as well! https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10312439_631451196937142_2222047950934226387_n.jpg [5] I know some of you are not Beachbody fans through my lurking, my apologies ther

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