A Los Angeles police officer is suing the city, alleging he was assigned to desk duty and demoted because he complained about having to meet a traffic citation-writing quota.

Not to go against the circle jerk, but lets think about it another way.

Should law enforcement have a ticket quota? No, because that impacts the officers discretion, forcing him or her to give a ticket in a situation where they may not think it is the best call. And effective Law Enforcement is all about good discretion.

But everyone here is going almost beyond that and saying tickets themselves, and the income they generate is like some sort of form of racketeering It's not, its simply a source of revenue for the city. One of the top comments is having an issue in why his ticket for speeding in Georgia was $50 and in LA it was $300, and how that was "BS". Think for a second, the reason for that isn't to "keep the people of LA down", it's because the city of LA needs more revenue to keep the officers going. Compare the equipment, amount of officers, and amount of calls they deal with to Georgia's PD, and you'll easily see why.

If LA didn't charge that much for tickets, or give tickets at all, they would still need police obviously, so where would the money come from? They'd hike everyones city taxes instead. So now you need to ask yourself, do you think it's better to make everyone pay more; or just the people who are committing moving violations? It doesn't matter if it's 10 or 50 over the speed limit, you're breaking the law; so you're the one who pays. And the guy who goes the speed limit doesn't. It's like a tax exemption reward for being a good driver.

Top comment: "It's called keeping poor people poor" Wtf, that has nothing to do with anything. Reddit really needs to take a step back and look at the facts sometimes, these threads are getting ridiculous.

/r/news Thread Link - nbclosangeles.com