[LPT] Make friends with your buildings maintenance man

That's immediately the thought that came to mind reading this.

LPT: Be nice in general and good shit might come your way.

I work in tech support, previously extensive customer service, end user. People that treat customer support/waiters/people they think are beneath them are the scum of the earth. You can pick out these assholes a mile away. People that have never had to climb any sort or form of ladder to get where they are, or possibly just assimilated their demeanor from parents like that.

I deal with techs in the field every day, some are 70+ years old, others are straight outta tech school pushing their 20s. Doesn't really matter how old they are, some elders are assholes because they find when they're assholes they get preferential treatment. Others are basically kids that have had an exhaulted, beneficial upbringing, everything paid for them their entire life, and treat everyone as if they're beneath them.

Either way, I'm the fucking man. You're calling into my line because you don't know how to do shit. You're at my mercy. You need to treat me with respect and within 2 minutes of the phone call it's evident who's in charge. I will be you best friend or your absolute worst enemy, forcing you to run your route on paper rather than the laptop that does everything for you, adding an extra 2 hours before you get to go home at night to your family.

The best are the inbetweens. 30-50yrs old. They seem to know what they are, they have a job to do and they know the person they're calling does too. They wanna cooperate to get the shit done, bid their confidant a good night and keep good terms with everyone.

If you're on the periphery, being a dick because you have your own issues and wanna take it out on the world, that's your problem.

Let the rest of us sync in harmony and get our jobs done.

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