LPT: If you see a downed motorcyclist do not remove their helmet unless they aren't breathing.

Lol I hate when people say that shit. Like literally people have no idea the amount of stuff we have to remember and do for every different call type. We're expected to fix all society problems types when called really.

I can still tell you the last bike scene I was at earlier this year. Dui around 9pm. Went straight over the bars smashed his head face first In the street, no helmet. Med flight couldn't come cause it was raining so much. Got to he hospital his brain was swelling, jaw was wired shut, ear drums blown out, teeth gone, coughing blood out. I calculated his speed at only 20-25mph. I just knew he wasnt going to make it. But he did survived the night... I wanted to buy a bike and had my license too and hood to go, then I saw a few of these scenes....lets just say I haven't bought one yet lol.

Sad thing is most the times the accidents are even the bikes fault and its just... Sad they pay so dearly so others distracted. I could go on and on and with the messed up scenarios, but that's depressing lol

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