LPT:Never imply to your new work place that it's a temporary job for you.

This is good advice, especially for the younger crowd where career hopping is common (and sometimes a necessity), but don’t have enough experience to ‘know better’ to not say it outright. Very quick and easy way to sabotage one’s own career.

That said, there are businesses / companies that make learning and development of their people a priority, and are also transparent with their employees that if they (the company) have done their job well - fostering and developing their employees - at a certain point, that employee will outgrow their role and there may not be positions available at that company for that person’s new skills / talents. Or, that employee may just need new opportunities and challenges beyond what that business can offer and they’d rather have you move on than sit and be miserable in role.

I am extremely fortunate to have found a career with a company that has this attitude, and they have a fairly generous annual stipend to attend conferences and obtain training and certifications. The idea is that even if you do take these and move on, in the meantime it only makes you better at your job, which makes you more comfortable, which makes you happier and more productive while you are there. Which gives the company security in you as an employee. And then, once you leave, you’ll take that experience to the next job and be a forever promoter of that company. The money and time is really just a drop in the bucket for them, but taking care of their own (and actually doing it, not just saying it on some pretentious mission statement) is the most important thing.

If a company outright expects you to be there until you die - again, especially for younger people - and to be grateful to settle for some crumbs here and there very once in a while, it may be worth thinking twice about if that’s a good fit / place working for. I realize this is easier said than done especially in this job market (it took me a long time to find a place that doesn’t act in this typical way), but man - when you do find it, it can be literally life changing.

/r/LifeProTips Thread