I’m bored, how did you all meet your SO?

I met my girlfriend on world of warcraft (nerdy :P) she asked me for help leveling and normally i refuse as its not verr fun, But this time and im not really sure why i agreed. we started talking and turns out she was super fun to talk to. over the span of maybe 2 months and change we became super close friends whenever we were online we were together. Around september 30th i realized I liked her alot more than a friend but i wasn't willing to risk our friendship so i kept quiet, but august 14th last year she confessed she loved me and and i finally told her how i felt and we been together since. we spend hours together in wow and hots everyday it's sort of our thing. The plan is the close to distance in 2020 or 2021 when she finishes her education in her country.

/r/LongDistance Thread