I’m Eugene Kaspersky, cybersecurity guy and CEO of Kaspersky Lab! Ask me Anything!

There is the additional fact that Kaspersky Labs was the firm that pointed the finger at the U.S. and Israel for the Stuxnet worm in 2007. They published a bunch of blog posts that exposed supporting details behind this conclusion such as Hebrew in the language of the source code, and they are still the primary source in most analysis.

Despite having done excellent analysis, they were completely silent when it came to how the hacks against the DNC were done. Despite the US government literally publishing some info to go off of, Kaspersky Labs were unwilling to do the same type of analysis, which would have fit really well into leading the global cybersecurity conversation.

I suspect this is because they do not have the ability to implicate Russia, which shows that there are limits to the amount independence this firm can have.

Not to say they cannot be trusted, but clearly they do not have the best interests of the U.S. at heart. We all have roles to play, and the role of Kaspersky does not and never will align with the goals of the US government. Where they're coming from is 100% reasonable from multiple angles.

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