I’m what you call a Cis man on TRT - Have some questions for you guys

1 - What do trans people mean by saying I feel like a man?

Personally I don't feel innately any gender, I'm just myself I guess. Calling myself a trans guy is more because of my physical discomfort with a female body and wanting to have a cis man's body instead, but I'm sure other people have their own way of seeing it

2 - If you are taking hormones what is your experience like?

Not on T yet so I can't answer, but in the majority of self-reported experiences I've read people say that mood-wise they're much more stable and can think clearer. Could be a placebo effect but also some research has shown trans mens' brains are hardwired to run better on T?

3 - How many of you think you could be on the spectrum?

Questioned it once but not too deeply, I would not be surprised but also my traits are pretty low-functioning if they're not neurotypical at all in the first place. Idk if I'll look into it more because it doesn't affect me day to day a ton

4 - Do of you want children?

Eh, I wouldn't mind but I'm a pretty awful role model and I need to work on my own problems before ever considering it. In the rare chance it would be adoption because pregnancy sounds horrific to me lol

Also thank you for the respectful questions :) super refreshing to see that from a cis guy and it's cool to hear your perspective too!

/r/ftm Thread