Man dies in Arizona after being restrained by police on hot tarmac for six minutes

Man in altered state of consciousness does things one in an altered state of consciousness does and cannot make sound decisions. Police treat him as a guilty criminal anyways. He was not brandishing a weapon. He was not threatening the life of another. He looked inside cars, behaved erratically, and stole a drink, and ran from police. And for that he is dead.

Lets say it just happens to be a hot day. 100 degrees. Lets say for the sake of argument, your neighbor calls the cops on you and says you are out in your front yard brandishing weapons. Lets say that wasn't actually happening but your neighbor is an idiot. lets say you were just cleaning your gun outside because it was too hot inside. Lets say you get heat stroke because you haven't been drinking enough water. You start feeling weird and ill so you put your gun away. Now lets say because of the heat stroke, you aren't thinking straight, so instead of finding a way to cool off, you just meander around the neighborhood. Now lets say cops pull up and demand you to stop. You don't recognize them in your daze, and think someone is trying to hurt you so you run. Lets say they chase you into the street, and you trip and fall over. Not knowing they are cops still, when they decend on you, you try and get away. Lets say that at the end of it all, you are covered in blisters from the heat of the road, left with a broken arm, broken ribs, a punctured lung, and unable to walk due to a fractured vertebrae from the knee in your back.

Are you ok with this scenario? And if you are not ok with this scenario, how is it any different from the one involved in the article?

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