Man systematically demolishes a cell phone store in England. Very relaxed public freakout.

so later on she calls me and of course I answer, we get talking and she apologizes and says she wants to work on things, so despite the conditions I agree and we try working on things and same thing... things go well for a week or two, I notice behavior changes, go through her phone, confront her, but now because she knows I have those conditions, she called the cops and had me arrested to where I spent overnight in the holding cells and because it was the weekend the moved me to the jail in the morning, Monday comes and I get released on bail. What happens next? The same fucking thing... I don't know what was going through my head during all of this because looking back it was some of the stupidest shit that I've ever done. Anyway so the last fight we had I went completely off the deep end and so as we were fighting I took my belt off and wrapped a clothes hanger around it and put it over my neck and tried to hang myself in front of her, she got me down and then she ran off, as she did I told her I was going to finish the job, so I close and lock the doors, go down into my basement, grab the outside grade extension cord make a slipknot and then tie the other end around the metal I-beam that supported the house, grabbed a chair, stood on it, put the noose around my neck and kicked the chair out from underneath me.

I don't quite remember passing out, but I do remember it almost as a dream in total darkness, then I hear someone shout "I_dont_see_why_not, WAKE UP!!!" it was so surreal. My eyes open, and I feel cold wetness down my leg, and then I start to realize I can't breathe. I remembered what was going on, so I quickly grabbed the I-beam and somehow managed to get the cord off my neck. Once I did, I let myself fall to the floor and I just lay there for a moment trying to figure what the fuck was exactly going on. The house was silent there was no one there, so who was that yelling? why are my pants wet... fuck I pissed myself... so here I am laying in pissed soaked pants on the basement floor, and then I hear a knock at the door... I know already it's the cops, so I quickly changed into some new clean pants and hide the extension cord, and put on a hoodie to try and cover up the choke marks left by the cord. they come in and investigate and apparently found enough evidence to arrest me (they did end up noticing the marks on my neck) so they took me to the hospital first and I had an evaluation done on me which I pretty much bullshitted my way through denying the whole time that I didn't try to hang myself. Eventually they didn't have enough proof to hold me at the hospital, so back to the cop shop I go, and same thing it was on a Friday, so I stayed at the holding cells for the night and then in the morning they move me to the Jail. Monday comes and I go to yet another bail hearing and obviously they denied me bail this time, because they knew I would just go back and talk to her again... and fucking stupidly enough at that point I would have... so back to the jail I go where I spend the week waiting for a pretrial, so I talked with my lawyer the morning of the pretrial and she said she talked with the crown attorney (prosecutor) and that they were willing to take a plea of guilty and I would only get 45 days weekends and two years of probation, which means I go to Jail on my days off but they let me out during the week so that I can go to work. So I'm out on my first weekend and what do you think I did? That’s right I called her... so I'm playing it a little smarter this time, calling from payphones with alibis and all that, we start seeing each other again and we had an amendment made to my order that I'm allowed to see her through lawyers and marriage counseling. So we started going to counseling, and we start making some progress and my ex-wife tells the councilor that she will no longer talk to buddy again and all that fun stuff...

The next day while at work who do I see walking down the street holding hands? Yup... they were still seeing each other. it was at this point that I finally told myself 'no more'... it was finally clear that she had no intention of being honest with me and stop seeing the other guy and that there's been just way too much shit happening that we could never recover from it so I finally did it, I stopped talking to her, ignored her calls Facebook messages, everything... and actually started calling the cops on her because she was trying to entrap me... Funny enough this is when she started trying to get me back and chase... I mean stalk me.

So it's the middle of December almost a year after my ex-wife first cheated on me (that I know about) now I've been seeing a new girl for about two or three weeks and I had her over to my place and was cooking supper for her. So my new girlfriend also has a daughter that was at the child’s dad's that was getting dropped off at my place around 7:30... 7:15 rolls around and we hear a knock at the door, we both just figured that he was just early for dropping her off so I told the gf to go ahead and answer it. When she opens the door all I heard was "where's my husband". So my ex-wife comes in the house asking "where is she, where is she?" referring to the daughter, I tell her to leave or I'm calling the cops a couple times and she ignores me and goes into the living room and sees that I have the tree up and she lost it even more started yelling about 'in my house, with my tree" and grabs the tree and throws it across the room. At this point I grabbed my phone and called 911. She and then proceeds to go to the basement where the gf was (she was calling her baby daddy to tell him not to bring the daughter there). The ex-wife then proceeds to grab a wooden broom handle and then starts towards the gf. I'm describing this all to the 911 operator while this is going on and when I saw the broomstick come out I made the risky move and went and restrained her. She finally gets loose and finally leaves and just as she did the cruiser pulled up and I pointed her out to them, they go and arrest her and put her in the cells for the night.

A couple more weeks go by and shortly before Jan 19th (our anniversary) I come home from work to see a bunch of writing on my screen door done in what appeared to be Chap Stick. It was some nerdy poem about roses are red violets are blue I give my heart to you, or something along those lines with a bunch of other stuff written about our anniversary. So I again call the cops and I believe they arrested her again.

So the end of January I finally go and file for divorce and she counter claims for everything... and I mean everything, she wanted the house, the car, my pension, spousal support, everything! so we have our first case conference where, her and her lawyer, myself (I was self-representing) and a judge all sat down and just talked about what was being asked for and what was likely to come of things. After we both said our pieces the judge told us, The most that she might get is some chattels (furniture and the like) this is mostly due that here and I were both younger and she was in university (for social work no less) and was going to be able to support herself in the future. Then he asks her lawyer if there's anything that he wants me to provide in the form of documentation. He stated a few things like mortgage statements and such. Then it was my turn, and I started to ask that she provide proof of her attendance in school, because throughout all the proceedings and divorce documents she stated she was going to school full time which is why she was unable to get a job to support herself, meanwhile I knew (because of seeing her when I wasn't supposed to) that she dropped out of school. But after I started my sentence "I would like to request that... actually your honor, I withdrawal my request". And when I did that she snickered... So I came back saying "Your honor I would like to request proof of full-time enrollment into school". I knew I had her at that point, just by the look of her face. So the judge gave us a month to provide the documentation.

A few days after our case conference I tried to contact her lawyer to see what they wanted so that we could just settle this outside of court. He was feeding me BS about how he could discuss it with me despite the fact I was self-representing. So the deadline passed and I received no documentation in regards to what I requested but get a letter from her lawyer saying that he was ditching her. I also found out through the grapevine (we live in a small city) that she was now knocked up with some coke heads child, to which later my PO informed me that he had a new client (being her) and it was for assault of her baby's daddy. So knowing that she's distracted with all that, I could have filed motions to speed up the process and finalize the divorce but that would just cost a lot more money and bs, so I waited for the limitation of proceedings to pass (one year from the last date where anything was done with the case) and filed for divorce again, and this time it went uncontested, and by July 24th 2014 I was once again a free man. The divorce was finalized and she got nothing out of the deal. She's tried to contact me several times since (last time being Feb 3rd of this year), to which I just call the cops and report it. I never pressed charges for trying to contact me but this last time the police stated that next time even if I don't press charges, they will)... Now that's about it and there's still LOTS of information I've left out either because it's irrelevant or just don't feel like typing anymore... I told you it was a long story, but feel free to ask any questions

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