Man Utd can win Premier League title, says Phil Neville

You can say should've should've should've all you want, but the fact is you're basing all your arguments on hypotheticals.

i mean, are you willfully being deluded and optimistic?

I've told you 3 times now why I'm optimistic. Are you going to keep ignoring the fact that we've had 45 injuries, 20-something CB pairings, been forced to play a formation that doesn't work and still won the past 6 games in the row? Who wouldn't be optimistic after that? I'm aware the performances have been bad the past few matches, but the team spirit and fight is brilliant. United performed like shit in 12/13... Did you actually watch half those matches? We were fucking terrible but grinded out win after win and went on to win the title because of it.

i mean, let's look at your other recent big games:

Ok, lets.

chelsea - fergie time draw - should've have about three penalties given against you for your WWF work in the box.

Chelsea were by no means the better that match, our performance was quite good. We created far more chances, had more possession and were just a little unlucky. We had 19 (7 on target) goal attempts, they had 9 (4 on target). They could have easily won it, but it wasn't a concerning performance and they certainly didn't deserve to win. It could have went either way.

man city - lost 1 - 0, should've been more given the multiple times felliani hacked aguero down in the box

We played 55 minutes of that match with 10 men away from home. We were looking the better team until Chris Smalling made an idiotic decision. I'm not saying we deserved to win, but the team put in a great shift and the performance wasn't bad, with the circumstances. I felt like we were going to nick a goal back at the end because we were attacking.

arsenal - should've been 3 - 0 down but arsenal choked at every opportunity and scored a goal for you before you even had a shot on target.

Should have been 3-0 down? Give me a break. A shot on target doesn't = an automatic goal. It's the keepers job to stop goals. We could have been 3-0 down, yes, but we weren't because our keeper is brilliant. He's part of the team too. If Arsenal can't finish their chances then they don't deserve fuck all.

LVG's game plan was to absorb pressure from Arsenal and hit them on the counter attack with Rooney and Di Maria. And it worked. If Di Maria hadn't fucked up his 1 on 1 with the keeper it could have been 3-0 to us, but as I've said before, speaking in hypotheticals is just pointless.

southampton - won 2 - 1 - one of the worst performances i've ever seen from a united side, negative pass completion rate and fewer attempts than any time in recent history, got ahead thanks to a gifted goal.

Yep, no excuses here. That was one of the worst performances I've ever seen from us, absolutely dreadful. BUT - we still won. That's has fergie written all over it. Playing like absolute shite, but grinding out dirty wins.

You'll likely dismiss these points so I'm not going to keep debating, but the reason United fans are happy / optimistic is because we've won 6 in a row with:

  • 45 injuries

  • Playing Wingers as fullbacks/ wingbacks

  • Playing a midfielder as a CB

  • Playing 18 year olds from our academy

And then the other reasons for our optimism...

  • Di Maria will be returning soon

  • Our fullbacks will be returning soon. Shaw and Rafael were playing brilliantly before getting injured.

  • We will be able to play 41212 again, which massively improves the quality of football.

  • Falcao is finally starting to get fitness and minutes after being injured

  • RVP, Rooney and Mata are all in brilliant form

  • LVG has given our shit players from last year confidence and they are playing well - Valencia, Young, Fellaini etc. I'm confident in our managers ability to improve players.

  • We don't have CL and capitol one cup, so less games = less tired.

  • Arsenal, Liverpool, Everton, Spurs and City have all had games where they played like absolute shit too.

  • City are now starting to pick up injuries as well (Aguero, Kompany, Dzeko and Jovetic).

  • The confidence is back in the team and the team spirit is as good as it's ever been. The players are clearly happy under LVG.

  • We're grinding out dirty wins and still winning when we're not playing well.

  • The january transfer window is coming up, so we have an opportunity to maybe strengthen defense.

  • David De Gea.

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