Manchester Arena attack: Isis claims responsibility for suicide bombing that killed at least 22 people

Does the US & some Western European countries intervening in the Middle East create terrorists? Certainly. If they'd pull out of the Middle East completely, would the tribal warfare and anti-West mentality stop? No. If the West would leave the ME alone, Russia and other would immediately fill their place. It's a complex game of geopolitics, where, unfortunately, the ME drew the shorter straw.

There were terror attacks in Europe beforehand, but those were of a completely different, political nature. This new wave of terrorism has no real, rational goal; it's a religious war declared on us. And with the unfortunate timing with us inviting waves after waves of refugees and migrants during the rise of ISIS, we invited with them plenty of extremists, while at the same time allowing people to spread this extremism in our countries.

Meanwhile, people became quite touchy with the whole subject of people being different, so discussion of the issue routinely becomes censored.

It's really the perfect storm, but something must be done to stop this.

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