Why do so many Christians care about what others do?

My ONLY interest in this conversation, is to point toward the inconsistencies. I am not arguing ABOUT the subjects you have brought up.

trying to outlaw gay marriage

Gay marriage has never been "outlawed". In fact, there are not enough people in the LGBTQIA+ community to change the definition of marriage. It was ONLY with the assistance of christians who voted for gay rights, that gay marriage became available.

I am just trying to understand the mindset of people who do this.

But you've come with an argument that doesn't make any sense.

persistently trying to convert somebody,

Like Pepsi trying to convert you from being a coca cola drinker? Or Ford trying to convert you from being a Toyota driver? Or one political party trying to convert you from the other political party?

Shoot... Bernie Sanders wants you to give up capitalism in favor of socialism.

Where is your wondering?

And as long as we're "almost" talking about ideas that might go against your interests...

The gay community has very consistently said that "being born this way" is a great reason to allow people to be gay. But the transgenders say gender is fluid. That your preference for same sex involvement is as backward in it's thinking as opposite sex involvement. And every sensible person won't mention how some people are born as pedophiliacs, because as a sexual orientation, the group is justifiably hated by almost everyone. But as arguments go, they use the same argument I'm being born that way to justify themselves.

I've looked through your history. You're not questioning the transgender community or the NAMBLA communit, who ARE working against you.

But you are questioning the Christian community, who isn't working against you.

The christian "crime", thinking that something is wrong.

You thought...thinking that something is wrong.

Again, can you see the irony?

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