Marijuana is Heroin

Recently watched an HBO documentary on opiate and opioid addicts. All that ran through my head while watching parents and children mourn their dead loved ones was: a bag of weed. A bag of weed could have saved so many. I’ve seen enough addicts quit the heaviest narcotics with nothing but weed and come out in excellent shape, no relapse. Yes this is a personal anecdote, but I’ve seen it happen enough times to be a firm believer. MLMs around here sell the crappiest powders and woo gunk with fillers on much the same promise, but they’re allowed to flourish because reasons. Maybe if Mo, Inc. recognized the potential of cannabis based MLMs, it would suddenly become legal.

I’ve been angry. Angry at what is, at what could have been, and what could be for thousands of mourners-to-be going forward. No parent has ever found their child ice cold and in rigor mortis from just weed. Happens to dozens every day from opiates and opioids. No child has ever tripped over mom’s or dad’s dead, clammy cold body while getting ready for school, because the parent had too much indica the night before. Thanks to heroin and opioids this happens daily in America. The ghouls in the COB that fight against medical cannabis just do not care about those who die. Much as I hate those bastards I do not want them to personally lose loved ones to opiates or opioids. Unfortunately until it happens directly to them there is zero chance of change from Mo, Inc.

Also, pre-med does not confer any special knowledge or status on anyone, and dude may want to do more research before spouting off so ignorantly.

/r/exmormon Thread