Mark Hamill liked a tweet against taking his words on TLJ out of context

Except you know the whole benevolent Jedi training young padawans is how George Lucas established how Jedis learn the ways of the force. This is precisely the problem I have with Rey's story, she's space Jesus 2.0 except worse because at least Anakin trained under Obi Wan and the Jedi Counsel.

I can't help but feel like there is something deeper with the Rey haters than lore friendliness... are your crowd the same ones who bitched about the all female ghostbusters reboot? :uke actually got a hit on Vader in his prime in ESB. After only a couple of weeks training at most. In the previous movie he blew up a death star. Rey? She hit the far less skilled punk grand son of vader a few times in a handicap match. The movie showed us previously Rey defending herself rather competently on jakku with her staff.

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