Mass sexual assault reported at music festival in Germany: The attacks are similar to those reported in Cologne and other cities on New Year's Eve.

  1. Insurance provides you with a return deposit so that you may obtain another belonging. It isn't a permanent fix, but stealing will always exist, insurance or not. I'd rather get money when stuff gets stolen than nothing. Also, my "excuses" are that secularism did not CREATE insurance. It existed long before secularism.

  2. For no reason though. Why prohibit it? If people want to spend money, why stop them? If they are addicted, you need to provide treatment, and that is something I think the US doesn't do enough of. We need to help those in over their heads, not just jail the ones who are doing it once or twice a month.

  3. No. That's not true at all. In fact, Nixon, a conservative, was the one who finally cut off the US currency from the gold standard. It's also because gold is not sustainable. If you put all the gold mined in the world by humans, it would fit in a 20m x 20m x 20m cube. That's it. You can't sustain an economy on that. Also, some of our currency IS still tied to tangible materials. Coins are still composed of metal. Also, you can exchange money for gold if you so wish. No one is stopping you. But that has nothing to do with secularism. Secularism and Capitalism are not one and the same. They do not require one another. They just don't. You are assuming that.

  4. If you can afford it, yes. But not always. Poorer people still have to rely upon their families for financial assistance. Also, is it a bad thing to allow someone to be independent? What, do you want children constantly leeching off the generation before them forever? Because eventually, you are leeching off of a leech, and the system is broken.

  5. Finally, let me say that the majority of your complaints are not with secularism, but the United States of America as a capitalistic economy. The US is not the only secular nation. Most of Europe is secular. Some of Asia is secular. Some of Africa is secular. Australia is secular. Countries in South America WANT to become more secular. So don't act like the US and Secularism are one and the same. Secularism is an overarching philosophical ideology that extends beyond the United States.

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