Masturbation is soul crushing

Jewish people were never significantly more prominent in the communist party

Funny joke. US intelligence reports show overwhelming Jewish influence in Soviet Leadership. Churchill said there was a Jewish Conspiracy in the Soviet Union and they were fighting for Bolshevism. Vladimir Putin stated that 80%-85% of the Commisars were Jewish at the peak of Jewish supremacy in the Soviet Union. One of the first laws Lenin enacted was outlawing anti-semitism. Lenin was 1/4th Jewish and spoke Yiddish at home. Trotsky was a Jew. Lazar Kaganovich was a Jew. Genrikh Yagoda was a Jewish mass murderer too. They also tried to change the national language to Yiddish.

Such an absurd statement made by you the Soviet Union and the Russian Revolution was completely dominated by Jews.

Seriously read a book and go gay my dude

I have read a book it is called “Culture of Critique” by Dr. Kevin MacDonald. You should check it out it talks a lot about the Soviet Union.

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