McDonald's workers descend on headquarters to protest 'poverty wages'

I didn't say to pay for basic necessities. I said to get by healthily.

Well that's great but "get by healthily" could mean anything.

Of course you can pay for basic necessities. Very basic ones that perpetuate unhealthy living that ends up creating more and far more expensive problems in the future.

What about having roommates and eating home cooked meals makes for unhealthy living and expensive future problems?

Food is a good example. If you don't make enough money you tend to buy shit quality high calorie food that's cheap as fuck. That stuff is ok once in a while but if you are forced to live off it you develop all kinds of health problems. Much of this food is high sugar high carb food leading to diabetes and dental problems. Problems that people can't afford to treat properly and put off. One cavity that a reasonably higher wage could have afforded to be fixed(or prevented with a better diet) turns into an entire fucked up mouth and severe periodontal disease that costs thousands and thousands of dollars to fix.

Yeah people do but that's not because it's cheaper. Chicken, beans, rice and veggies are pretty cheap. You can get a dozen large eggs for less than two dollars. Eating at McDonald's is more expensive these days than a large, wholesome meal made at home.

Not to mention the effects on your brain and other effects on your body that comes with a shit diet and the stress that comes with living constantly just a step away from one fuckup completely financially destroying you.

Everybody's got stress. Financial security is great but everyone worries about money and many other things. Middle class isn't a stress-free zone.

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